Information for Franklin's 2022-2023 Testing Season
Each year, Franklin assesses its students so that our educators gain an objective, unbiased perspective of how effective our school's instruction, curriculum, and programs are running. These tests also help to align our students with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), and the English Language Development standards (ELD) so that our school can identify skill development towards our Focus Standards.
In addition, testing can help to evaluate Franklin's overall performance as compared to other schools, the district, the state of California, as well as the nation. The results our students receive reflect their progress in specific subject areas as well as their level of understanding, application, and synthesis of core subjects they receive here at our school. Students, parents, and teachers can access any/all of their testing data from the links for each test on the Links tab on this page. Data can also be made available from our school's testing coordinator or can be found on the LAUSD Parent Portal.
On this page, you will find information for each of the state-standardized (CAASPP) tests as well as progress monitoring tests (Renaissance STAR). For information on our Advanced Placement (College Board's AP) exams, please contact our AP Coordinator Ms. Maria Soldevilla at [email protected] or visit the College Center homepage.
The tests we will be administering this year include:
Smarter Balanced Assessments
The majority of students in grades 6-8 and 11 will participate in the Smarter Balanced interim and summative assessments, which include both English-language arts (ELA) and Mathematics content areas.
California Alternate Assessment (CAA)
The CAAs are English-language arts (ELA) and mathematics assessments that are administered to students with significant cognitive disabilities who are unable to take the Smarter Balanced Assessments even with designated supports and/or accommodations.
California Science Test (CAST)
The CAST is administered to the majority of students in grades 5, 8, and 11, and to those students in grade 12 not accessed in grade 11.
California Alternate Assessment (CAA) for Science
The CAA for Science tests are individually administered assessments for students in grades 5, 8, and 11, and to those students in grade 12 not accessed in grade 11 who have significant cognitive disabilities and who are unable to take the CAST even with designated supports and/or accommodations.
California Spanish Assessment (CSA)
The CSA is administered to Spanish-speaking English Learners in grades 3-8 and high school who meet one of the following two criteria: 1) Student is receiving instruction in the language of the assessment; and/or 2) Student is seeking a measure of his or her primary language achievement (reading, writing, and listening). All students in our FDLA middle school, grades 6-8 take the CSA.
STAR Reading Assessment
STAR Reading is a computer-adaptive test that measures student achievement on reading skills. The test is given to students in grades 6-12.
STAR Math Assessment
STAR Math is a computer-adaptive test that measures student achievement on math skills. The test is given to students in grades 6-12.
FitnessGram is the state-designated physical fitness test for California students in grades 5, 7, and 9.
ELPAC is the state-mandated test to determine English language proficiency.
*National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) measures what U.S. students know and can do in various subjects across the nation, states, and in some urban districts. NAEP is given to a representative (random) sample of students across the country. *not administered yearly*
For more information on standardized testing, visit LAUSD's Student Testing Branch website. Please contact our school's Data & Testing Coordinator, Mr. Egon Trujillo at [email protected] with any questions, support, or your student's test records on CAASPP or STAR tests.