Attendance & Enrollment Office » Attendance Home

Attendance Home

The LAUSD district-wide campaign "I Rise. I Attend. I Matter" is aligned with LAUSD’s goal to reduce chronic absenteeism to no more than 7% and to increase the percent of students attending at a rate of 96% or higher to 72% or more as stated in the LAUSD Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP). As LAUSD continues the efforts in promoting student attendance, the slogan, “I Rise. I Attend. I Matter.” signifies our hope to empower each student to rise, attend every day, and create a life of meaning and purpose.

Even during Distance Learning, it is essential that all students participate in instruction each and every day. Please visit for additional information and resources to support your students.

If your child is unable to attend their classes on Zoom, please make sure they do the following:
  1. Log into Schoology and complete the assignment for that class that day.
  2. Send a message to their teacher letting them know they were unable to attend class that day.
Clearing Student Attendance:
Please use one of the 4 methods to clear your child's absences:

Any questions? Please contact Ms. Sandoval at [email protected].